base class, extends NXobject
Group of multiple application definitions for "multi-modal" (e.g. SAXS/WAXS) mea ...
Group of multiple application definitions for “multi-modal” (e.g. SAXS/WAXS) measurements.
is a base class virtually identical to NXentry and is used as the (overlay) location for application definitions. Use a separateNXsubentry
for each application definition.To use
with a hypothetical application definition calledNXmyappdef
Create a group with attribute
Within that group, create a field called
.There are two optional attributes of definition:
The intended use is to define application definitions for a multi-modal (a.k.a. multi-technique) NXentry. Previously, an application definition replaced NXentry with its own definition. With the increasing popularity of instruments combining multiple techniques for data collection (such as SAXS/WAXS instruments), it was recognized the application definitions must be entered in the NeXus data file tree as children of NXentry.
No symbol table
- Groups cited:
NXcollection, NXdata, NXinstrument, NXmonitor, NXnote, NXparameters, NXprocess, NXsample, NXuser
@default: (optional) NX_CHAR
Declares which :ref:`NXdata` group contains the data ...
Declares which NXdata group contains the data to be shown by default. It is used to resolve ambiguity when one NXdata group exists. The value names the default NXentry group. The value must be the name of a child of the current group. The child must be a NeXus group or a link to a NeXus group.
For more information about how NeXus identifies the default plottable data, see the Find Plottable Data, v3 section.
@IDF_Version: (optional) NX_CHAR
ISIS Muon IDF_Version
title: (optional) NX_CHAR
Extended title for entry
experiment_identifier: (optional) NX_CHAR
Unique identifier for the experiment, defined by ...
Unique identifier for the experiment, defined by the facility, possibly linked to the proposals
experiment_description: (optional) NX_CHAR
Brief summary of the experiment, including key objectives.
collection_identifier: (optional) NX_CHAR
User or Data Acquisition defined group of NeXus files or NXentry
collection_description: (optional) NX_CHAR
Brief summary of the collection, including grouping criteria.
entry_identifier: (optional) NX_CHAR
unique identifier for the measurement, defined by the facility.
definition: (optional) NX_CHAR
definition_local: (optional) NX_CHAR
start_time: (optional) NX_DATE_TIME
Starting time of measurement
end_time: (optional) NX_DATE_TIME
Ending time of measurement
duration: (optional) NX_INT {units=NX_TIME}
Duration of measurement
collection_time: (optional) NX_FLOAT {units=NX_TIME}
Time transpired actually collecting data i.e. taking out time when collection ...
Time transpired actually collecting data i.e. taking out time when collection was suspended due to e.g. temperature out of range
run_cycle: (optional) NX_CHAR
Such as “2007-3”. Some user facilities organize their beam time into run cycles.
program_name: (optional) NX_CHAR
revision: (optional) NX_CHAR
Revision id of the file due to re-calibration, reprocessing, new analysis, new ...
Revision id of the file due to re-calibration, reprocessing, new analysis, new instrument definition format, …
@comment: (optional) NX_CHAR
pre_sample_flightpath: (optional) NX_FLOAT {units=NX_LENGTH}
This is the flightpath before the sample position. This can be determined by a ...
This is the flightpath before the sample position. This can be determined by a chopper, by the moderator or the source itself. In other words: it the distance to the component which gives the T0 signal to the detector electronics. If another component in the NXinstrument hierarchy provides this information, this should be a link.
experiment_documentation: (optional) NXnote
Description of the full experiment (document in pdf, latex, …)
notes: (optional) NXnote
Notes describing entry
thumbnail: (optional) NXnote
A small image that is representative of the entry. An example of this is a 640 ...
A small image that is representative of the entry. An example of this is a 640x480 jpeg image automatically produced by a low resolution plot of the NXdata.
@mime_type: (optional) NX_CHAR
The value should be an ``image/*`` ...
The value should be an
Obligatory value:
USER: (optional) NXuser
SAMPLE: (optional) NXsample
INSTRUMENT: (optional) NXinstrument
COLLECTION: (optional) NXcollection
MONITOR: (optional) NXmonitor
DATA: (optional) NXdata
PARAMETERS: (optional) NXparameters
PROCESS: (optional) NXprocess
Hypertext Anchors¶
List of hypertext anchors for all groups, fields, attributes, and links defined in this class.