base class, extends NXobject
Container for components of a focused-ion-beam (FIB) system. ...
Container for components of a focused-ion-beam (FIB) system.
FIB capabilities turn especially scanning electron microscopes into specimen preparation labs. FIB is a material preparation technique whereby portions of the sample are illuminated with a focused ion beam with controlled intensity intense enough and with sufficient ion momentum to remove material in a controllable manner.
The fact that an electron microscope with FIB capabilities has needs a second gun with own relevant control circuits, focusing lenses, and other components, warrants an own base class to group these components and distinguish them from the lenses and components for creating and shaping the electron beam.
For more details about the relevant physics and application examples consult the literature, for example:
No symbol table
- Groups cited:
NXaperture_em, NXbeam, NXfabrication, NXion, NXlens_em, NXsensor, NXsource, NXtransformations
FABRICATION: (optional) NXfabrication
ion_source: (optional) NXsource
The source which creates the ion beam.
Given name/alias for the ion gun.
emitter_type: (optional) NX_CHAR
Emitter type used to create the ion beam. ...
Emitter type used to create the ion beam.
If the emitter type is other, give further details in the description field.
Any of these values:
description: (optional) NX_CHAR
Ideally, a (globally) unique persistent identifier, link, ...
Ideally, a (globally) unique persistent identifier, link, or text to a resource which gives further details.
brightness: (optional) NX_FLOAT {units=NX_ANY}
Average/nominal brightness
current: (optional) NX_FLOAT {units=NX_CURRENT} ⤆
Charge current
voltage: (optional) NX_FLOAT {units=NX_VOLTAGE} ⤆
Ion acceleration voltage upon source exit and entering the vacuum flight path.
ion_energy_profile: (optional) NX_NUMBER {units=NX_ENERGY}
probe: (optional) NXion
Which ionized elements or molecular ions form the beam. ...
Which ionized elements or molecular ions form the beam. Examples are gallium, helium, neon, argon, krypton, or xenon, O2+.
TRANSFORMATIONS: (optional) NXtransformations ⤆
Affine transformation which detail the arrangement in the microscope relativ ...
Affine transformation which detail the arrangement in the microscope relative to the optical axis and beam path.
APERTURE_EM: (optional) NXaperture_em
LENS_EM: (optional) NXlens_em
SENSOR: (optional) NXsensor
BEAM: (optional) NXbeam
Individual characterization results for the position, shape, ...
Individual characterization results for the position, shape, and characteristics of the ion beam.
NXtransformations should be used to specify the location or position at which details about the ion beam are probed.
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